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Borderline(s) investigations

Borderline(s) Investigations is an artistic cycle dedicated to the exploration of borders and the limits of the world.

Borderline(s) Investigations is the name of a new artistic cycle (following the Chronicles of Global Warming and the cartographies of the Anthropocene Atlas) that focus on the exploration of borders and the limits of the world.

In these times when anthropogenic pressures on natural environments, ecosystems, and biodiversity are seriously jeopardizing the planet’s equilibrium; where scientists warn of us entering a new period of mass extinction (after the last which saw the disappearance of 70% of species—including the famous dinosaurs—65 million years ago); where the expected sharp increase in the world’s population by 2050 is likely to generate multiple strains for access to water and food; where spatial disparities in development are worsening; where politics and the various global systems of economic governance do not take into account the signs of the ongoing catastrophe, even though many experts and whistleblowers around the world unveil more every day; where advances in science, particularly in the fields of genetics and modification of living organisms, astrophysics, and exobiology, warrant the possible invention of new development scenarios for humans and living organisms on Earth, and maybe elsewhere…; in this world, finite and yet ever growing, where everything that lives is therefore subject to constraints and domination of all kinds and more and more powerful, the question of borders and limits (of the Earth, of life, of humanity, of modification, of what is bearable) has become one of the most significant issues of our civilization.

To Rousseau’s famous “man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains”, the Borderline(s) Investigations will respond by focusing on some of the chains that any extraterrestrial observer—which will be discovered or will discover us one day or another—would find singular in our world and in the structure and the limits of the entities, living or not, that one finds there.

Borderline(s) Investigations knows no defeatism in the face of the magnitude of the task. There is no diagnosis of the ongoing collapse without a reaction and will to find a solution.

Collapsology (that is to say the study of collapse) from which the Borderline(s) Investigations will borrow certain analyses, is not a resignation, but a reawakening of thought and initiatives, and an encouragement to try something else.

Much like “frontology”, from which Borderline(s) Investigations will also borrow, which is not about the acceptance of limits but about the will to confront (frontology being understood here not as the study of fronts in meteorology, but in a new and wider sense—I’m betting on the evolution of the word as much as on the birth of a science—that of the study of all the borders and limits of the world).

Borderline(s) investigations will therefore attempt to ward off limits, cause breaches, seek passage, and change the situation. With a lot of application and energy.

The International Group of Research and Action in Frontology (Groupe international de recherche et d’action en frontologie / GIRAF).

The International Group of Research and Action in Frontology brings together a group of international frontology researchers and activists. It was created in January 2017 by men and women convinced that we have to radically change the way we think about the world and its limits.

To do this, they aim to provide precise, detailed, supported, and lucid reports of situations involving a limit / border. They dig into the questions they identify, and come up with answers.
Frontologists address the following points in particular:
Why is it so dense over here?
Why is it empty there?
What is the logic of distributing and separating things?
(and also humans)
(and also of all earthlings elsewhere, plants and animals)
How did this all come about?
What comes out of it? What problems are created?
Is it good? Is it bad?
What flows does this generate? Where can it be traversed? bypassed? overcome? How?
What consequences for territories and human organizations?
How should we react? What solutions can we offer?

Each report from the International Group of Research and Action in Frontology is communicated in the form of a public meeting, during which the results of the investigation and the possible solutions are presented.

The cycle
3 projects

Borderline(s) Investigation #2

Création 2022

The new public report of the Group for Research and Action in Limitology (GRAL) will be about limits and boundaries, feedback loops, exobiology and space agriculture, “influence machines”, and physical assignments. After tackling the theme of ecological and civilizational collapse, and having (…) Read more

Borderline(s) Investigation #1

Creation Autumn 2018

Borderline(s) Investigations is the name of a new artistic cycle (following the Chronicles of Global Warming and the cartographies of the Anthropocene Atlas) that will focus on the exploration of borders and the limits of the world. Borderline(s) Investigation #1 will be an idiotic conference. (…) Read more

Borderline(s) investigation #0

Creation 2018

Technical description of the preparatory trip to the planet Mars, presentation of the safety procedures for flights in zero gravity, health risks, preliminary measures, preparation and personalized advice. Compulsory presence for all future immigrants (no exemption will be allowed). Read more

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