In September 2008, the NASA dropped 90 yellow rubber ducks in a glacier in Greenland in order to estimate the rate of climate warming. Awaited for a few weeks later in the Bay of Disko, the ducks never reappeared. Where did the ducks go? Were they trapped by a glacier? Did they already get out?
What if a duck was found thousands of kilometres away to the South? Off the coast of Newfoundland? On the Quebec shores? In front of the Statue of Liberty? In the Gulf of Mexico?
Or more to the North? Trapped by an ice field? Off the coast of Thule? On the Russian shores of the arctic icy ocean?
Could these ducks hold the key to the world’s upheavals?
The purpose of this conference is to describe NASA’s experiment and to explain why we must urgently find these ducks. The speaker presents the first results of his investigation, ventures some hypothesises about the palmipeds’ localisation, tells the odyssey of the surviving ducks in 1992, analyses the consequences of this disappearance in terms of climate change. He uses satellite imagery and scientific documents to reinforce his statement and to put his hypothesises into perspective.
This artistic proposal is the result of a process of meetings and discussions with scientists and experts of the Arctic world.
Created by and starring: Frédéric Ferrer
Notices and credits
Production: Compagnie Vertical Détour
Partnership:Le Domaine d’O – domaine départemental d’art et de culture (Hérault - Montpellier), La Chartreuse - Centre national des écritures du spectacle, L’Observatoire de l’Espace - le laboratoire Arts-Sciences du CNES, L’Etablissement Public de Santé de Ville-Evrard
With the support of le département de la Seine-Saint-Denis.
La compagnie Vertical Détour est conventionnée par la Région et la DRAC Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Elle est en résidence au Centre de Réadaptation de Coubert – établissement de l’UGECAM Île-de-France et soutenue par la DRAC et l’ARS Île-de-France dans le cadre du programme Culture et Santé.