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The Matter of the Matter

To the heart of the heart
Creation for 2017 Avignon Festival
The art project

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the "Vif d u Sujet" (Heart of the Matter), born in 1997, which became "Sujet à Vif" (Matter at heart/on edge) in 2004, then “Sujets à Vif” (Matters at heart/on edge) in 2008, and on a proposal from the SACD and the Avignon Festival, I will propose in July 2017 that we go through the history of this very singular event of the Festival, by questioning some of the characters who made the richness of this event, and some of the scenic forms that have beautifully involved the Jardin de la Vierge (The Virgin’s Garden), and some architectural aspects of this garden probably too, and perhaps some aspects of the Virgin, and probably, why not, some of the issues related to dance and theatre of which the garden has kept the memory, and I will not forget the other art forms too, and for that purpose I will use some statistical tools which will certainly have to be questioned, but which will allow, behind the reality of figures and curves, to better contextualize probably the beauty, again the singularity and also the complexity of the matter, the matters, and the heart of it, making sure, of course, not to forget to set some prospects for development in the future, since an anniversary is not an anniversary if it’s not using the past to think about the future.

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File(s) to download

Created by and starring: Frédéric Ferrer & guests artists
Assistant: Claire Gras
Stage design: Samuel Sérandour

Notices and credits

Production - Diffusion: Lola Blanc
Administration: Flore Lepastourel
Communication - Mediation: Claire Gras

Production: Vertical Détour / SACD & Festival d’Avignon 2017

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